A-1 Carbigraphic Bindery Products

Stitching Head Health

Stitching heads in today's environment are asked to do more then ever before. We pride our business on fixing your heads to the factory OEM spec. Our talented technicians will bring your stitching head back from the brink of being thrown away to a valuable part of your shop. We can accomplish this transformation usually within 24-48 hours.

Cost: $75 per head plus parts


Hohner Stitching Heads (52/8, 43/6S, 45/6), Muller Stitching Heads (HK45, HK75), Reflex Stitching Heads, Deluxe Stitching Heads (DB45, DB75, 18D, 26D), ISP Stitching Heads (Magnatech, M2000, 26D)

Stainless Steel Stitching Wire

When using stainless steel stitching wire make sure your clincher is mechanical and not a magnetic clincher. The magnetic clincher will not grasp the wire and you will have a horrible time. You can purchase the correct products for your job at A-1 Bindery Service www.stitchercentral.com

Muller Martini, Hohner, Reflex, Deluxe Stitcher, and ISP Stitching and Bindery Products

Call 414.259.8990

We have over 30 years of experience